Hi Alex and all

When talking to Stefan Box after our site meeting today, it seemed possible that S&W will finish their part on site before Xmas. There will probably still some subcontractors work, plumper, electrician, flooring, on site after that. 

The site works have started with finishing work on the street site of high street. 
Stefan thought that site works could be done by end of January. 
S&W are working to 23. Dec, and S&W will start with blow tests after 5th January.

So please keep pushing for the 5th February! We may end up with the 18th February... 
I fear that our part of settlement conditions, e.g. titles, CCC, and personal mortgages may be the more critical issues. 

Regards Rainer

Ps On site the main work today seemed to be painting (they are fast! There were 3 painters in our unit today...!), flooring (both planking and carpet), plumbing, electrical work. 

Please call me if you need an urgent reply.

Rainer Beneke
+64 21 144 7700