Sounds very appropriate for what we aspire to be.
from the online Maori dictionary:
1.(verb)to be sound, uninjured.
I like the name. Toiora.
Hi all
When reading Waiariti’s email I immediately thought, oh how beautiful! I too consulted the online dictionary to look up toiora, toi and ora. I think we are very fortunate to have been offered this gift.
Toiora / High Street Cohousing
Please call me if you need an urgent reply.
Rainer Beneke+64 21 144 7700
On 8/05/2020, at 12:45 PM, Ian Thomson <> wrote:
Sounds very appropriate for what we aspire to be.
from the online Maori dictionary:
1.(verb)to be sound, uninjured.
3.(noun)protection from evil influences.
Heoi arā anō ētahi katoa ka whakahē hei taumaru i tetoiorame te tapu o te whare tangata (Te Ara 2013)./ However, there are some that do not permit this in order to protect women.
4.(noun)well-being, welfare.
He mema ia nō te Rōpū o Ngā Whāea, he rōpū hei whakatapu i te mārenatanga te kaupapa, me te whakaū hoki i te mahi a te whaea ki te whakapakari i tetoiorawairua o tana tamaiti (TTR 1996:23)./ She was a member of the Mother's Union, an organisation that promoted the sanctity of marriage and emphasised the mother's role in developing the child's spiritual well-being.
warm regards to all
On 08 May 2020 at 10:18 sara ferreira via Ucol-shareholders <> wrote:
Mōrena Donald and fellow co-housers,
jus wanting to say I love the name we were gifted with!So beautiful to have our background history intertwined to create such a charming and well-sounding word!I look forwad to hearing other people's opinions on this!Ngā mihi,
On Friday, 8 May 2020, 8:33:50 am NZST, Donald Shand <> wrote:
See below response from Kāti Huirapa regarding the gift of a Māori name for High Street.
For discussion at next weeks meeting please.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Waiariki Parata-Taiapa <>
Date: Mon, May 4, 2020 at 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: Māori name for High Street Co-Housing
To: Donald Shand <>
Tēnā koe Donald,
Kā mihi anō ki a koe i tēnei kaupapa motuhake. Our whānau would like to offer a name that we feel may be appropriate as a name for the High st co-housing kaupapa.
The name is ‘Toiora’. Toi being a reference to the ‘Toitū’ stream which was situated nearby and ora meaning to be well. Toi also means the summit or pinnacle. Toiora as a word also means wellbeing.
The establishment of co-housing is to create a healthy environment and the wellbeing of not only the complex but also its people. We believe this name is appropriate for this kaupapa and would like to gift this as a name for you and the whānau to consider.
I happened to drive past the complex this morning and indeed it is not too far away until completion.
I hope you and the whānau are well Donald and look forward to hearing back from you.
Nā Waiariki
From: Donald Shand <>
Date: Tuesday, 21 April 2020 at 10:49 AM
To: Waiariki Parata-Taiapa <>
Subject: Māori name for High Street Co-Housing
Tēnā koe Waiariki.
Kei te pēhea koe?
I trust that you and your whanau are in good health and have settled into your own new normal under lockdown conditions. I imagine this will mean loss of contact with some whanau and no fishing and surfing for you! Miriam and I took the decision a week ahead of the announcement to place ourselves in isolation and have not been off our property except for a flu jab last Wednesday and we are now well attuned to our home-based life.
I contact you on behalf of our Co-housing Otepoti whanau who are mindful of the initial decision by Ngāi Tahu Property to sell the former High Street School site to Urban Co-Housing Otepoti Limited for the development of our co-housing site. We also recognise your more recent participation in November 2018 when you generously gave your time and blessed our project prior to construction starting.
Since that time the High Street, Alva Street and common house blocks have been substantially completed and once site works recommence the fitting out and final ground works will complete the build. We are hope to be finished late 2020.
We again seek the guidance from Kāi Tahu through Kāti Huirapa regarding the possibility of a gift of a Māori name for our community and include here our kaupapa as an initial guide.
Our vision is to create an urban cohousing neighbourhood, which promotes social and environmental sustainability, based on respect and shared responsibilities.Through robust eco-design and layout establish a cohesive community, which fosters wellbeing, diversity and the right use of resources.Develop and foster a thriving living environment, which uses clear communication, decision-making and conflict resolution guidelines that promote tolerance, safety, respect and co-operation.
With the above in mind we would very much appreciate your thoughts on our request.
Ngā mihi nui.
Donald Shand (for UCOL)
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