This (below) is to us all, I think, since I was only round for the food. But would very much like a copy of the list sent to  - or give it to me on Thursday. I presume someone picked up the list at the end of Sunday?

The energy and enthusiasm pouring out of the room at 12.30 was amazing - and there were 8 other people who emailed at the weekend wanting to come. I told them the venue was full, but didn't realise just how full! 

We do need to be clear about the process of renting/buying from here on in. As I see it, with the possible exception of A2, from now on the decision is entirely with the unit owner. We (Toiora Cohousing) can hold workshops and create a list of interested (and inducted) people that we can offer to unit owners. But not a waiting list as we have been running it. And the unit owner decides who they rent/sell to.

What do others think?


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Roz Wilson <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020, 3:56 pm
Subject: can you please
To: Anne Thomson <>

Let us have the list of contacts for people interested in renting? Thanks

Good day yesterday. Worked well for us as we were keen to have input on the agreement and also found out there are people who might be interested. One lady was really keen but we simply don’t think having a family of four would work in M2. Got min to talk to her, as a D owner, as think dennis and adelyn’s might be much more suitable.

Regds roz