Kia ora koutou
Attached are the draft minutes - apologies for the delay.  Corrections to me and I'll endeavour to get an accurate record out to you before our next meeting which is Thurs this week.
One of the suggestions for making meetings more productive/efficient is to have time allocations for the various items.  I thought it is hard to put this into practice when we don't know how much we are currently spending on different items, so I noted down the time each time we moved onto a new topic.  I've used this to put beside each heading the amount of time we spent on that topic.
If people think that it might be useful to continue to gather some "baseline data" on how we currently spend our meeting time (with the view to allocating time to each item in the future) I'm happy to continue to be the "time keeper", using a stopwatch on each item we discuss, so the results can be passed onto the notetaker and recorded in the minutes for the next few meetings.