Hi All, 

We will not be at the meeting tonight as we have a school event, please note our apology.
Please read/share the following at tonight's meeting: 

Resource Consent Requirements:

The following is a summary of our meeting with Conrad (planner) to discuss our Resource Consent requirements.
The Meeting happened on Wednesday the 25 November at midday.
Present: Conrad Andeson, Stefan Box, Rainer, Alex, Maria
  • Parts of the exterior finish of High and Alva blocks to the road are different than the original proposal (painted cement board rather than timber). This needs to be informed to the Urban Planning at DC (there was an amendment to the BC).
  • The yard to High Street is 2.95m rather than 3m. which was required. This is minor and it might not cause any issue but we need to inform the council.
  • Maximum height of retaining walls (the resource consent says 2.25m), some retaining walls are slightly higher (High St/Green belt corner). This might be considered minor but we need to keep in mind that this was not what was permitted. 
  • The width of the drive from Montpellier St (i.e. less than 5m). The situation is that the parking at the west (next to greenbelt) is less than the recommended 5m. Driveway to access is less than 5m and parking to the east is closer to 6. According to the RC, the driveway entrance needs to be 5m... So the planner recommended that we call for a meeting on site with the DCC transport person and explain the situation to see if they accept the current situation. We also need to build a small edge at the street boundary to indicate where the parking is, leaving an opening for the driveway only.  Parking at the east has a retaking wall so it is clear but larger than expected...
  • The width of the driveway in Alva St needs to be wider. The drawings currently show this as less than 5 m wide. We need to amend the drawing and instruct the builders (through a variation) to ensure that this is 5m wide. This will require butting the driveway to the retaining wall and removing an existing heritage fence post that is on the way at the boundary. The width of the driveway (5m) allows it to have (just) enough space for the Hot water heat pump tank platform to share the space. So we see no problems but a variation will be needed for the width. TIM TO ISSUE AN INSTRUCTION/DRAWING ASAP.
  • Earthworks. We are ok as we are doing less than permitted. 
  • Fence. No issues with RC so this can happen in parallel to fulfil our commitment with Heritage NZ. 
It was the planner's advice that we address the above ASAP to avoid delays. 

In his words: "There are a couple of matters which don’t align with the resource consent.  However, the resource consent only requires the development to be “generally in accordance”, rather than exactly as per the resource consent. To ensure that matters don’t cause a delayed at the 11th hour, I suggest that there is engagement with Council."

Tim to issue an instruction for Alva St driveway width.
Somebody to organize a meeting with the DCC transport person on site to discuss Montpelier St driveway.
Somebody to inform the DCC of the other items that are slightly different than the RC. 

Kind Regards, 

Maria Callau

SUR Architecture Limited

On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 12:34 AM Jan Burch <jrb5050@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi folks
A couple of major things to talk about tonight so I've estimated no time for the Open Forum.  If there is something urgent that I've left off the attached agenda, please let me know and we'll squeeze it in somewhere.
If there are any changes I'll endeavour to get them out to you before 2pm.
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