Hi all, 

I met with Calvin (SW) and Aotea yesterday and we had a PCG meeting today. 
As most of you might have heard, the inspection of the sounders went fine on Friday. 
Unfortunately, when they were testing the rest of the alarm system (sounders in the stairwells, etc.) they found that some of the system that was previously working ok is not working any more...

The reason is that when digging and concreting some of the posts for the fences, some of the alarm system cables were damaged...
This is very sad news, it means we need to fix it before we can actually finish this project. It will cost us more money.

Aotea and SW have identified the problem and presented a solution which is to dig a trench along high st (along the path) and install a new cable, reconnecting the cable that goes to the 3 stairwells. 

SW/Aotea will provide an indicative cost for the remedial work. 
Once we agree on that they will do the work as soon as they can (they said they might start in a few days).

At this stage, our MAIN priority is to get a code of compliance certificate so the bank can release the titles/ we can settle and return the loan to kiwibank.

Just a reminder that we are spending around 1,000$ per day... every single day that goes by on interest. 

The Budget Control had informal discussion about this and we strongly recommend NOT to spend any more money in the Kitchen/Fence/Landscape until we know the extent of the cost we will be facing to fix this problem including extra costs associated with interest to the bank.

We hope to have a clearer picture sometime in the near future and we'll reassess the situation.
Whatever has been committed up to today is ok, but let's put all other planned expenses on hold until this is solved. 
Hope this makes sense..

On a separate matter, SW will be on site over the coming few days working on the outstanding issues included in the defects list. 
I hope somebody will be on site to open the doors as I will not be able to be here. 



Maria Callau

TOIORA High Street Cohousing  
UCOL Member and Project Coordinator