Kia ora Marianne and all,

I also do not wish to be selected for the Conciliation Team.


From: Ucol-shareholders <> on behalf of <>
Sent: 05 November 2020 22:46
To: 'UCOL shareholders' <>
Subject: [Ucol-shareholders] re selection of Conciliation team

Greetings all – attached is the form on which you are asked to register your preferences for the members of the Conciliation team: people you’d feel comfortable approaching and also being approached by.


I’ve reattached the blurbs/ brief bios that ten of our group supplied.


Instructions are on the form. You can nominate as many or as few people as you like, however, you need to assign a number to each one you select and can’t give that same number to someone else.


Please complete this and return it to me by 5pm on Monday 9th Nov.


Warren and I will collate the responses using an STV software programme on Monday evening and confirm the outcome as soon after that time as we are able.  


Best wishes meantime,




Marianne Quinn


Level 3, 115 Stuart Street, Dunedin

P.O. Box 20, Dunedin 9054

ph +6434773115 or 0211612050