Morena Kristin

Donald and I will water the grass this afternoon.

Nga Mihi


From: Ucol-shareholders <> on behalf of Susan and Kristin Jack via Ucol-shareholders <>
Sent: 08 April 2021 20:45
To: UCOL shareholders <>; Ngaire Tigeir <>
Subject: Re: [Ucol-shareholders] Grass water volunteers please
Kia ora Toiora folk,

re the grass watering:

rain is forecast most days from tomorrow through till Wednesday, & after that we can probably stop hand watering & let nature take over.  I'll do this afternoon if it hasn't been done already. I did it yesterday & Claire & I the day before. It's getting easier & faster as the grass takes over!

But if anyone else wants to do it, this is what Anthony & I have learnt by trial & error:

-using the hose is easier than than the sprinklers. The sprinklers are great, but once they've created a pond around themselves you have to walk through that pond to move them (or if you try dragging them by the hose you gouge the muddy surface).
- Anthony's grey hose on the reel is the best one - it seems to produce the most pressure somehow.
- if the surface is dry (before you begin) you can now walk out (on the well grassed patches) to hose the middle of the field, & then walk backwards (away from the ponding & mud) back to the edges. 
- you move along & attach the hose to taps in the middle of the Alva St block, the middle of the High St block, & the back of the laundry (container) in order to reach the whole field. (You have to unscrew & take the plastic tap attachment/adapter with you).

ngà mihi


"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it". Ralph Waldo Emerson

On Thursday, 8 April 2021, 12:18:07 PM NZST, Ngaire Tigeir <> wrote:

Kia ora all

Can we please have volunteers to water the grass over the next few days? Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
One good sprinkle a day should do.

Ngà mihi

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