Kia ora koutoa

Find attached papers for tonight..

Also find agenda included in body of email as well as attachment.

See you tonight.


Date: Thursday 14 November, 2019  

Location: Centre for Sustainability Seminar Room – 563 Castle Street 

Chair: Susan Jack                                                        Note taker: Donald Shand  


Apologies:  Anna & Anthony,  Rosemarie & Maurice, Denis


Discussion Items: 

  1. Sale of Units
    1. Update on transfer of Anne & Geoff King and Rachael Gibb units to Anna & Anthony Doesberg and Liz Mitchell, and repayment of loan to Rachael Gibb. (Juan)
    2. Sale of Units (Liz)
  2. PCG Update - stormwater realignment (Tim)
  1. BCG Update - see attached reports

  1. Legal Liaison Group - update on easement

  1. To do list - suggested items for decision tonight (Rainer)
    1. house numbering,
    2. drawing/quote for angle parking
    3. D-unit planking
    4. F&P fridges/washing machines
    5. bathroom floors vinyl/tiles

  1. Roof shout / site visit early December (Rainer)

  1. Health and Safety 

  1. Heritage fence - Lawrie Forbes of Zeal Steel selected a section of the Alva Street frontage as a ’scoping project’ as suggested by the DCC Heritage Fund Committee. He quoted $10,880 plus GST for 7 metres of fence. This includes most elements of the refurbishing project: a gatepost, two fence panels, intermediate posts and two new gates.   We applied for half this amount, and await hopefully for a favourable reply from the committee. Recent contact with the Ministry of Culture & Heritage has pointed us in the direction of Southern Heritage. We await a response from the Dunedin RSA.

  1. Local Area Network - discussion on document circulated previously by Warren.

  1. Body Corp Rules Workshop 
    1. Notes from October workshop are included with the agenda papers. 
    2. Next BC Rules workshop is planned for (?). 

  1. Information items

Gay - The publicity group intends updating the current web site, particularly the material about Stepping In, Waiting List and Registering Interest. We are meeting at Sanders place (3/39A Opoho Rd, Dunedin) at 7.30 on Thursday 21 November to discuss this and hope anyone interested will participate. We intend to come up with a recommendation which will be offered to a shareholders' group meeting (with a summary of issues, options and reasoning behind the recommendation).  

  1. Open Forum

Reminder Christmas potluck and Secret Santa at Anne’s place from 6pm on Saturday 21st December.

Meeting scheduled to close at 9:30pm