Hi all,

I had thought that smoking, pets, guns were dealt with.

And, being the way I am, I would like to work out by trial and error what works best for us in terms of community meals - frequency, how big a team, what to charge and how. Ditto working bees. Except that I do think there should be clear expectation about participating in meals and working bees - there was a good section about this in "the new book".

As for conflict resolution, being a conflict-avoider from way back, I quite warm to the idea of having a workshop or two on best practice for conflict resolution, as much so that we are all on the same page and have a shared understanding of what we expect from each other. That we could do before moving in.

I suspect, Rainer, this is as much personality difference as anything - I would prefer to work things out as we go along, when we actually know what the possibilities are and can make adjustments as we go. If we come up with rules/guidelines/policies now, it is a bit 'in theory' and I would rather be guided by practice of what works and what doesn't. But that will be messier. So, let's talk about it on Thursday.

I also realise I am having part of the discussion ahead of the meeting - is that a good way to go, or should we save this for face-to-face meeting? I will write up something about the Easter Saturday induction workshop as a report and circulate it ahead of time, so everyone gets it. This is part of the meeting practice that Alex has advocated for, and it does make sense. I would also like to suggest we consider time limits for agenda items (again, an idea in 'the new book') but was waiting till everyone had read that book before raising it.

See you on Thursday!

On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 4:59 PM <michael.rosemary@xtra.co.nz> wrote:

Regarding extra meetings for working on body corporate.

Surely we had a more or less finished version with just a few things to finalise? Am sure min sent us a copy of the most finished version with only a few things to revisit.

Anyone? Regds roz

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