We have enough people for the visit on Monday morning, thanks for those who offered to come.

For anyone who still wants to meet James or can't come during work hours,  there are additional events happening on Sunday evening, e.g. a small event at 5pm at The Esplanade, St Clair, and a public event 6.30pm at the Tropical Butterfly Forest (register at https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/the-climate-challenge-with-james-shaw-tickets-120325921069)


On 25/09/20 5:02 pm, Alex King via Ucol-shareholders wrote:
Scott Willis (Green Party candidate for Taieri) and James Shaw would like to visit the cohousing site on Monday morning to meet a few cohousing people and talk about cohousing and "minigrid" (electricity supply options), and renewable elecricity.

The Green party are enthusiastic about cohousing, they want to "Ensure regulatory frameworks support the development of innovative co-housing initiatives." ( from https://www.greens.org.nz/housing_2020).

Scott told me he'd like to see another 5 or 6 cohousing initiatives take off in Dunedin in the next few years.

If anyone wants to come and have the discussion with Scott and James, or if you have any other thoughts, let me know.  It's all being arranged at the last minute, I still need to confirm with S&W etc.


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