Hi all, 

Aotea will be nstalling sounders in all bedrooms (HIGH ST BLOCK) tomorrow Wednesday 28 from 8am

Following last week's alarm test results, Aotea concluded that the levels of sound in bedrooms are not acceptable (!!!). 
In order for the council to accept the system, Aotea needs to install new sounders in all bedrooms (High block). 
The work will be done tomorrow Wednesday 28 from 8am. 

I will give them access to all units. 
Please ensure that your bedroom is open and ready for them to do the work.
And don't forget to cover your ears if you are on site as they will be doing some more testing...

Hoping this solves the last hurdle... enabling us to get code of compliance and settlement...
What a journey!




Maria Callau

TOIORA High Street Cohousing  
UCOL Member and Project Coordinator