Hi Alex,

I think Anthony, because he has media experience, is an excellent suggestion! (I'm sure there are others too!).

I know Susan has received 'media training' through her work roles with the DHB (& she'll hate me for telling you all that...)


"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it". Ralph Waldo Emerson

On Wednesday, 9 June 2021, 11:58:58 AM NZST, Alex King via Ucol-shareholders <ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz> wrote:

We have a few different publicity requests, I think we should have someone to co-ordinate them.  I suggest Gay?  Anthony? Any other suggestions?  I would like to respond to Stephen Edge and don't want to co-ordinate myself because I'm supposed to be working.


On 9/06/21 11:41 am, Maria Callau wrote:
Hi all, 

The ODT reporter has been in touch again. 
Now that most fences are up, can I organize for her to come on Friday and talk with some of us?
Or shall we say Monday?

Who is keen:
Jess and somebody else?



Kind Regards, 

Maria Callau

SUR Architecture Limited

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