I don’t like either of them much but if I have to choose, then Scoria.


Is this a vote? I can’t make head or tail of the ineinandergeflochteten Mails, Rainer, hoffentlich schaffst Du das, wenn es sein muss.

If this is to be decided by a vote, I would like to suggest a process that better reflects people’s opinions and would come closer to our consensus way of deciding things usually.

Have a survey where each person ranks both colours on a five-point scale (strongly dislike, dislike, don’t care, like, strongly like). Then add it up.

If you would like to do this, I’ll volunteer to set up the survey (should be easy with various free software available) but I’d need some advice on how to add it up as my statistics knowledge is zilch.





From: Rainer Beneke
Sent: Thursday, 28 May 2020 8:51 PM
To: UCOL shareholders
Subject: [Ucol-shareholders] Exterior colour samples




Scoria or Pueblo 


Please call me if you need an urgent reply.


Rainer Beneke

+64 21 144 7700