Have been reading up about body corporates and how ucol will be run.


Definition of a body corporate: Body Corporate is a legal entity made up of all the unit owners within a unit titled property.

Definition of a committee: a person or group of persons elected or appointed to perform some service or function, as to investigate, report on, or act upon a particular matter.


Seems we will have two governing bodies, neither of which are actually committees.


The body corp looks after the rules, makes changes to them, polices them if necessary and does the management type tasks. Unless something comes up, maybe a request for a variation, the body corp meets only once a year. It is not a committee because membership is limited to people actually named as owners.


An organising committee, which for us would not be a committee either as membership is looser and no one is actually elected, can include owners, owner’s children, tenants etc and looks after the day to day running of the whole property. Eg when to have working bees, what to do for Christmas and do we really need an ice cream machine.

so can we please discuss membership of the body corp on the 26th as the bit at the bottom of min’s flowchart seems to be contrary to the laws about body corps. Thanks roz