Kia ora koutou,

Here is the revised agenda for tonight’s meeting. See you all tonight.

Cheers,   Karen 

UCOL Meeting Agenda

Date: Thursday 12 September 2019

Location: Centre for Sustainability Seminar Room – 563 Castle Street

Chair: Alex King                                                                 Note taker: Karen Or 

Present: Alex, Karen & Sander

(Catherine, Frances, Sandy, Jan, Warren, Min, Tim, Roz, Michael, Elizabeth, Pauline, Jess and James, Anne Thomson, Sara, Anne and Geoff King, Sue Taylor, Juan and Maria, Gay Buckingham, Rosemarie and Maurice, Claire, Anthony & Anna)

Apologies: Susan, Dennis, Rainer, Marianne, Donald and Miriam



Minutes of record:

1. A Body Corp meeting was held at the Centre for Sustainability Seminar Room at 3pm 24 August 2019. A good number of cohousing members turned up including Anthony and Anna. We were formed in different small groups to brain storm and discuss about different body corporate rules.  After the workshop, a few members joined Rainer, Anthony and Anna to the construction site, followed by a meal together in a Chinese restaurant.

2. A meeting with Lawyer Anthony Hamel was held on 5th September 2019 evening at the Centre for Sustainability Seminar Room for interested cohousing members, discussing about the tips of preparing to sell a house.  Jan sent an email on 6th September 2019 to share the meeting notes.

Agenda Items:

1. PCG Update

·         Site meeting update from Rainer’s email on 30 August:

Things are progressing well. S&W are focusing on the 15 high street units, trying to close in as much as possible. The mains electricity cable has been laid along Alva Street and is sticking out at our entrance. The easement on our neighbours section has been surveyed and it is now up to the plumber to replace the drains. Juan and I met our lawyer Simon Milne on site yesterday and spent 3/4 hour explaining layout and where the 24 units are (15 High, 6 Alva, 3 Common) and all the common areas.

Additional comment by Rainer: Simon Milne told us that he went to High Street School in the 1970’s, the old brick building, “no, not in this new school (our common house)”.

2.      BCG Update

3.      Legal Liaison Group Update

4.   Pull down ladders for H & D units (see Rainer/Maria’s email)


5.   Drainage installation on Rosemarie and Megan’s section (see Rosemarie’s email)

6.   Formal vs General Communication channels for shareholders (Gay)


1.       current Shareholders email address be used for formal communications (e.g. meeting minutes, agendas, notice of important decisions, payments, etc.,) only. 

2.       we have a second emailing list and use it as a forum for discussion prior to – and/or in addition to – meetings. (I could elaborate on reasons but that can wait till Thursday). 

3.       the second "general communication" could be WhatsApp (but that doesn’t seem to appeal to all), or a general email address like shareholders, or one of the systems Sander and Jan looked at.

7.      Appliances update (Sara)

8.      Local Internet Network (Alex)

9.    Middle flooring (Tim)

10.    Open Forum