KIa ora koutou

Not sure if this may help..potentially..
I knew Josie personally, in fact I lived in that lovely house with her quite some time ago (I was about 20yo).
We went to high school together. We've not been friends for years, however I think there is some possibility that I could reintroduce myself to her and maybe ease relations between both parties.

Just a thought..

Ngā mihi

On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 17:15, Rosemarie Smith <> wrote:
Hi folks
I’ve just had a forceful earful from someone associated with a property across Alva street who I approached about my suggestion of extending the angle parking plan. It’s been a reminder that there’s still people in the neighbourhood unhappy about the redevelopment of the school site, and while some of their grievances are irrational (as aired at the Resource Consent hearings) concerns over parking are legitimate. However these also become a vehicle (ha ha) for all that other stuff.

I suggest a small group meet and plan neighbourhood liaison, including a letterbox drop in the very near future explaining what’s happening with parking, and inviting anyone who wants to participate to consultation on an informal agreement. Like ‘you stick to your side of the street and we will stick to ours’. Maybe.

We need to all play nicely, but it would also be good for neighbourhood relations in general to announce everyone’s arrival, not just leave it to The Star. Neighbours certainly need a contact person too.

Just as a heads up for starters, Josie, who I talked to yesterday, is property manager for her mother, Margie, who owns the big arts and crafts mansion, and the green brick house next to it. They let rooms, and Josie gets miffed (to put it mildly) if anyone else parks outside those properties. I gather from her list of complaints and opinions that she is already known. The main problem is that she and Margie were overseas at the time of the Resource Consent notification, which of course is neither the fault of the DCC nor UCOL, but Josie believes the process was faulty. So beware! I never know how to handle someone like this, whether to listen mildly and let it blow through, or to tell them they’re out of line and stop berating me over something that’s a) all done and dusted, and b) not my fault.
And despite feeling so strongly about lack of parking, she adamantly rejected my suggestion of extending angle parking to create more spaces, so I guess that’s the end of that idea.
On the other hand, Damian, who rents the garage for his Landrover repair business, (which he also conducts on the street) is exceptionally friendly and recognises he might have to modify his parking habits.
I think it will be helpful for everyone to learn the names of near neighbours, though I’m sure we’re all friendly to everyone who comes by, including the dog walkers and the man who sleeps in his car. (He parks up Montpellier when he’s there.)
All good fun,
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