Hi all

High street block:
The roof is on apart from ridging and flashings. Most of the windows are in also.
The first battens are on at the west end of the block for the outside cladding.
The electrician is installing the cables for the fire alarms throughout.

Alva Street Block:

The first two floors are on and they are working on the third unit’s floor framing.


The tent is booked to come down after next week.

RFIs (request for information) are coming in from Stevenson&Williams, mainly regarding details, especially in conjunction with sub-contractor’s questions. S&W stressed that we need to respond promptly to avoid delays.

We have organized for the roof shout for 29th November 10 am. Details later.

Stevenson&Williams specifically requested that anyone wanting to visit the site needs to contact Bill the foreman first. There should be no reason for anyone to visit without talking to the PCG first.

We suggested to have several site visits for UCOL the week 9th to 14th. December. We need to organize specific time and dates at next week’s UCOL meeting. Saturday the 14th at 9 am has been booked with Bill already. Early bird visit for the Saturday people.

Enjoy the warm weather Rainer

Please call me if you need an urgent reply.

Rainer Beneke
+64 21 144 7700