Gay I think we got out wires crossed.

You were organizing for temporary groups for moving in tasks, which is great.  But I was suggesting establishing the permanent committees and in particular the Admin committee as foreshadowed in the draft Cohousing Membership Agreement.

So I would either take it out if you don't want to have permanent groups in your document, or modify it to note that the finalizing documents needed for settlement is the task for the first sessions of the administration group (which will be a permanent group, even though the membership changes over time.) What do you think?



On 18/01/21 8:13 pm, Gay Buckingham wrote:
Below is the amended interim list of things which may require work to expedite our move and hopefully remove stress. It is only for the move-in period.
Please let me know if you would like to put your name against any task.

Gay Buckingham
+64 27 4544012

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