Morena, team; see attached draft meeting notes.


Corrections/ amendments to me please asap. I’m sorry that my mind has blanked on a few surnames but it seems more important to get these notes out promptly than wait! I will add these into the finalized meeting notes.


Please note that we will be having an ordinary UCOL meeting next thurs 13th June and a ‘Special’ meeting to discuss legal representation only on thurs 27th June.


On Sat 29th June, Anne will host a potluck mid winter dinner at her house in Pacific Street from 6pm. Nothing serious is planned for that event, tho’ do bring a ‘Secret Santa’ gift to be given away. ( We have used this in the past as an opportunity to recycle / gift on something we don’t need, so no $ needs to be spent).


Noho ora mai and have a restful weekend –




Marianne Quinn



Level 3, 115 Stuart Street, Dunedin

P.O. Box 20, Dunedin 9054

ph +6434773115 or 0211612050