Kia ora to all our wonderful Toiora High St Cohousing community

Anne will chair and I will be notetaking this month, so please send any agenda items to me.  I'm aiming to get a draft agenda out late Tues night.

Thanks to Rainer for alerting us to the way that Wellington's newest cohousing community has put together information about themselves.   
With a shared lunch planned for after our next induction there's probably no urgency for us to do the same, but I do think it would be good if we could get together some sort of information board which could be shared with prospective buyers/renters.  I think prospective community member's main question isn't "will I like the unit?" but "are these people I would enjoy living with?"
You will see that within the Wellington group, what is written and the sort of picture, varies immensely.  Ian has offered to take wonderful portrait photos of us all and I've self selected to put the bios and pics together.  If you are not comfortable with a photo, I think it is fine to leave it out, but I do like the idea of a first name and a bit about yourself.  Most people will be wanting to know "Is there anyone else like me in the group?"  
So if you want to write your own information for the info board, please do, and send it to me.  Just in case you are crazy enough to want me to write it for you, I've written my own one as an example below and then listed some questions that you'd need to answer for me to be able to do yours. If neither option appeals, let me know and we'll figure out something else.

Jan in C4: "Friends are like potato chips: there's always have room for one more."  My children have grown up so I'm moving into a one-bedroom unit.  While I love my afternoon/evening job, I don't like coming home to an empty house so I am hoping to befriend other night owls around the common house fire.  I look forward to spending less time working alone on garden or house maintenance and more time with people; doing things that will keep me active and alert into my 90s.

Preferred First name:
Reason for joining:
Thing you are most looking forward to:
Thing you are most worried about:
Anything else that you want included