Kia ora


Please see attached draft agenda for Thursday’s meeting.  For further agenda items and apologies, please let me or Min know by Thursday noon.

See you all then.


Regards, Karen



­­                                                AGENDA


UCOL Meeting Thursday 28 February 2019, 7.30pm


Centre for Sustainability seminar room – 563 Castle St


Chair:    Min                                                                        Notes:   Karen


Apologies:          Gay, Warren, Claire, Catherine, Rainer & Marianne,


Present:               Sander & Karen, Min,


Round of appreciations


Any update after Induction day                                                                                                              Francis/Anne


PCG site report                                                                                                                                                 PCG


Ground Remediation and Roof                                                                                                                Maria   


BCG report                                                                                                                                                            BCG    


"To Do" list progress     

·         Unit numbering system                                                                                                                            Anne/Tim

·         Flooring for the mid-level                                                                                                       Sander/Tim

·         Kitchen Formica                                                                                                                                     PCG

·         Appliances selection

·         Other items update         


Open forum