Here's a progress report.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 2:21 PM
Subject: RE: High Street Excavations
To: Stefan Box <>, Nic McEwan <>, Marcus Bulger - Hall Bros <>
Cc: High Street Cohousing <>

Stefan  / Nic & Marcus


Today’s Plateau testing went successfully. Results from FH will be confirmed tomorrow likely and we can look at firming up on number of passes. At present use 8 passes for any fill placed in 250mm loose layers to regulate the base of the excavation. I have labelled this area as blocks C1 to C4.


The subgrade has been slightly over excavated which Regan had asked Cam (excavator Driver) to do, which was removing the soft alluvium. However in light of depth and consistency of that alluvial layer I have asked for this to be brought up to the base of the original topsoil only (the thin dark brown layer in attached photos).


The fill from 17 Selkirk St is fine – this can be mixed into clean site won fills and laid as per that fill specification, free of charge delivered I am assuming. (I left a note for Bill – Stevenson & Williams foreman too)






James Molloy



Terra MDC Ltd

Level 1

326 Moray Place

Dunedin 9016

New Zealand


ph +64 3 477 0090

m: +64 220 737 480


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From: <>
Sent: Monday, 4 March 2019 4:51 PM
To: 'Stefan Box' <>
Subject: RE: High Street Excavations


Hi Stefan yes no worries on that. I usually do a summary email on site visits in any case to keep matters fairly free flowing and up front. We’re going up there tomorrow for 815 am to start compaction trial.




James Molloy



Terra MDC Ltd

Level 1

326 Moray Place

Dunedin 9016

New Zealand


ph +64 3 477 0090

m: +64 220 737 480


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From: Stefan Box <>
Sent: Monday, 4 March 2019 4:38 PM
Subject: High Street Excavations


Hi James,


Just so I can keep the owners in the loop, are you able to let me know when you have provided Halls with any instruction or direction that might be slightly different that was initially expected? I’m thinking the likes of additional topsoil discovered or material that is unsuitable for fill etc. Just a one line email would suffice.



Stefan Box




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