Agenda for meeting of Toiora High Street Cohsouing

Thursday 1 October at 7.30pm

at Numberworks, 90 Crawford St, Dunedin

or via Zoom

Meeting ID: 9016 25 9016   Password 25 25 25


Chair and Notetaker: Sue and Anne






7.45pm            Tina Gillan, Rothbury Insurance

            1/            Body corp insurance – what does it cover? Why do we need regularly updated valuations?

2/            Public liability insurance – do we need it? Why do we need it? What does it cover?

3/            Contracts works insurance for later work on units – when do we need it? How big a project?

4/            Our current contracts works insurance finishes when the contract does – when the builders hand over the building. When does the body corp come into existence – at that point, or when we individually take possession (and UCOL ceases to exist)? What insurance cover do we (UCOL) need between the end of the build and settlement?

5/            What can we do on site and in our units in the period between end-of-build and settlement. Does work inside units (eg painting) have any insurance implications? 


8.15pm            creating our timeline

·         insurance           

               get quote

               change to Toiora house insurance after builders finish (payment?)

·         electricity supplier

               prepare options (subgroup)

               select supplier (group)

               change supplier when builders finish? or when we settle?

·         curb and angle parking

               drawings to DCC for approval

               approved drawings to S&W

               build S&W (Hall Brothers)

·         fence openings for unit access (also needed for S&W site works)

               quote for concrete cutting

               remove fence panels and 1 x gate & post

               cut nib wall

·         body corp

               approve body corp

·         unit title

               cut nib wall for surveyor

               send approved body corp to surveyor

               house/unit numbers???? 


·         appliances

·         letterboxes


               group approval

               build letterboxes

·         quote for essential commercial kitchen

·         5 wall units (first half)

               2 x H-units; 3 x A-units

·         Driveway

·         Laundry finish inside and/or paint

·         Washing lines

·         Review and complete group agreement


Any other matters needing to be discussed before next week