vision is to create an urban cohousing neighbourhood, which promotes social and environmental sustainability, based on respect and shared responsibilities.

·         Through robust eco-design and layout establish a cohesive community, which fosters wellbeing, diversity and the right use of resources.

·         Develop and foster a thriving living environment, which uses clear communication, decision-making and conflict resolution guidelines that promote tolerance, safety, respect and co-operation.


Agenda for UCOL Meeting Thursday 9 April 2020

7.30pm via Zoom.

Click on this link  Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now (anytime from 7.15pm onwards)

Join by phone: if calling from within New Zealand, dial: 09 884 6780 or 04 886 0026 (Toll charges may apply)

Meeting ID: 308 174 091




Chair: Donald                              Notes: Jan

Apologies:                                    Roz & Mike,


Report from meeting with Stefan Box (Project Manager)

Report from meeting with Stephen Edge (Kiwibank)

Report from meeting with Tina Gillan (Insurance)

PCG update:

BCG update

Tiles update: Juan

Heritage Fence report/update: Frances, Rosemary, Catherine

Shared electricity system:       Alex

Sale of unit update: Liz

Open forum: