Hi all

first of my and Marianne’s apology for Thursday, we are both out of town.

The subject UNIT NUMBERING is on the agenda (see notes from last week), hence I would like to add my opinion here. 
As I have said before, using 25 as the street address and numbers as the unit, e.g. 7-25 is confusing, does it it refer to street number 7 or 25?

I am in favour of using letters for the units from A to Z (omitting I and L, as required by DCC), going clockwise, read from the common car park (inside, left to right, starting at M1). That would make M1, M3, M2 unit A, B, C; Alva 6 to Alva 1 unit D to J; and the High Street block starting from H3 to C1 unit K to Z. I imagine a sign at the Alva Street end of the High Street block being 25 K - Z (imagine 10-25 to 24-25), and the same at the Alva block. Using letters for the units also avoids getting a number 13…

Counterclockwise would only make sense if read from the streets (outside, left to right, starting at C1), but not every unit has a street entrance!

Ucol letterbox is obviously just number 25.

RE-ROOFING. I am in favour of re-roofing the common house. The cost has to come out of contingency. The good news is that the common house has very 'good bones’ and that the builders have not found any other real issues during the work done so far. I personally imagined a whole lot of variations due to rot or other unforeseen issues.

Happy discussing Rainer