The conciliation team invite all co-housers to a BYO Wine-and-Cheese-and-Chat 
at 6.00 pm on Saturday 6 March, 
at 6.30 Robin Allison will talk to us about what Earthsong might have done differently 
(hopefully advising us on pitfalls regarding our imminent move-in), 
at 7.00  we will have a Q & A session with Robin and her partner Amanda
(this will give those who need to leave early the opportunity to do so,
Q & A may continue for a while and possibly segue into a meal somewhere close by).

• The opportunity to take advantage of Robin’s experience during her visit is too good to pass by, 
• We are celebrating that this may be the last ever meeting we hold outside of Toiora,
• It’s a chance for all to casually enjoy each other’s company before the move,
• Robin’s book Cohousing For Life will be for sale. 

We look forward to seeing you!