---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ken Pullar <ken@netnz.org>
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2019, 4:58 PM
Subject: Thanks & request to become a UCOL shareholder
To: High Street Cohousing <ucoldunedin@gmail.com>
Cc: Sue Kim <suekim@netnz.school.nz>

Hi everyone
Thanks for this afternoon's induction workshop and dinner.
Sue and I have decided that we would like to take that next step and become a UCOL shareholder (and hope we've been fast enough getting our names down for the remaining 2/3 bedroom unit). We have just deposited the $5000 in the UCOL bank account.
We still need to sign the UCOL Organising Agreement and sort out with you (Alex? Or one of the other directors? ) the next steps in arranging the 20% loan (assuming someone else hasn't beaten us to the last unit). If someone else has already reserved the unit, we would like to go on to the waiting list.
Sue and Ken

Ken Pullar  
Address: 30 Leckhampton Court, Dunedin 9011
Email: ken@netnz.org  
Mobile: (027) 446 8532