Hi Gay

Please can you add Kristin to the gardening group list manager@rocksolid.co.nz 



On 30/01/2021, at 6:20 PM, Gay Buckingham <gaybuckingham@tuatara.net.nz> wrote:

As was suggested earlier today I’m making a list of the three main gardening-interest groups. We require volunteers to be part of each group, and someone to volunteer to coordinate each group. 

I will be sending the list to those who have previously expressed an interest in any aspect of the design and care of the grounds. If you name is not below, please let me know if you would like to be included.

Names: Maria, Anna, Donald, Miriam, Ngaire, Jeffrey, Sara, Gay, Sandy. 
In the past Marianne, Liz, Min, Pip and Rosemarie have participated in gardening discussions so I plan to include them.    

Thanks for your time,


Gay Buckingham
+64 27 4544012

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