Hi Sander and all,

First, my apology for tonight's meeting - I have decided that I would go to the final book club meeting of the year.

Second, an item re: Waiting List
Since we have agreed that we are beyond the point where the Waiting List is operational, I propose that the money given to secure a place on the waiting list should now be returned. Even if we decide to sell A2 ourselves and even if people on the waiting list wanted to make an offer, it would not be under the conditions envisaged by the waiting list, so I think it needs to be shut down now.
suggested minute:  that the UCOL Waiting List be wound up and the money given to secure a place on the Waiting List be returned.

Thirdly, re: "invited members" - those referred to in the Toiora Agreement: "neighbours (on the old High Street School property footprint) and cohousing supporters may be invited to be members".
Such members have the same privileges and obligations as other members, to use the common facilities and to contribute to our common life through working bees, participation in meetings, common meals, etc. It would make sense to me that they be asked for an annual "membership subscription" which would be paid into the common Toiora fund (the place where body corp fees go and where common expenses including maintenance are paid from). I don't imagine any potential invited members thought they would be along for a free ride! They have contributed substantially already, and I am sure would be wanting to continue to contribute to Toiora Cohousing as well as benefit from it.

Have fun tonight,

On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 12:21 PM Sander Zwanenburg <sander.zwanenburg@otago.ac.nz> wrote:

Hi all


Here’s an updated agenda.


See you tonight.




From: Sander Zwanenburg
Sent: Tuesday, 1 December 2020 1:28 pm
To: 'Ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz' <Ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz>
Cc: Donald Shand <donaldshand18@gmail.com>
Subject: UCOL meeting Thursday 3 December 2020


Kia ora koutou katoa,


This Thursday we’ll meet at 7:30pm in NumberWorks and on zoom.


So far we have on the agenda:

  • Working bee reports (Saturday and Tuesday)
  • A2 sale (with a written report to come; Min Catherine Donald Sander)
  • Timeline update / review
    • E.g. kitchen, mailbox, resource consent action
  • Cohousing agreement (Warren)


If you have reports, agenda items, or apologies, please send them to me and Donald before Thursday noon.


A reminder: working bee tonight at 6pm to shift things out of the common house. Tim/Rainer to be there and organise access.




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