Thanks Alex and Juan,

I understand that the need for changing the codes. Please do keep in mind that the access to the laundry and post box or anything in that side of Toiora is done through those doors, so if anything changes I would appreciate to be told promptly, as I'm sure Gay would too.
Amelia completely relies on knowing the code, as she doesn't have a smartphone, to go through those doors.
Kind regards,


On Wednesday, 18 August 2021, 10:17:08 am NZST, Juan Puricelli <> wrote:

Thanks Alex ,
Good idea 

Juan Puricelli 
Sur Architecture
022 6585021 

On 18/08/2021, at 10:00 AM, Alex King via Ucol-shareholders <> wrote:

The project managers and Jess and I who hold the master keys for the common house are wanting to change the code for the common house, because it is now known to a number of tradies around town.  This was suggested a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't got around to doing it yet.

Who uses the code to access the common house, and would be impacted if the code was changed?

Meanwhile, due to the lockdown no-one should be using the common house, according to Susan "We shouldn’t use the common house or trampoline for the next 3 days while in lock down please."

For this reason, unless I get any objection, I'll take the "passage mode" off the inside door while we're in lockdown (meaning you will need to unlock it each time to get in.)  I also think it's a good time to take the old code off.  I'll do that this afternoon.

Bus cards, fobs, and the app will still work.  If you use/need a code, or would like to set up the app on a smartphone just email me.  Setting those up can be done contactless.  We can set up a new more convenient code for anyone who needs one.

We propose to bring this to a full meeting in a couple of weeks, but given current circumstances I think it makes sense to take some of these steps in the interim.


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