Hi all

With apologies for being confused and confusing, this refers to the money that has already gone into the account in anticipation of recieving the invoice for appliances.
So unless you have not paid in the money as requested by Sara on 27 October, please relax.
(I wish I had remembered this when getting a phone call from Australia out of the blue saying we did not have a large enough credit facility)


On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 4:10 PM High Street Cohousing <ucoldunedin@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

We will be receiving the invoice for our inbuilt appliances very soon, The total is $78000 (approx) and our credit limit is $30,000 (my fault  - I didn't understand the implications of the credit limit and tried for an average rather than an upper limit)

This means that we do need to pay over the total amount, or at least $48,000 before the appliances will be released for delivery.

You will realise that this is crucial and urgent!

Once I have received the order, I will send you the individual amount you need to pay. Please deposit this in the Montpellier Social Club account -

We will need to have all the money in asap so that we can get these appliances delivered. 
