Hi all,
An interested person from Auckland, interested in establishing another cohousing project, is going to be in Dunedin Thursday and Friday this week and would be interested in meeting with someone from our group. Catherine could be available after 2pm Friday - is there anyone else interested and available at some time in those two days?

I will also suggest that he come along on Thursday night to our meeting.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dr Gary Dennis <gary@trysoftaproductions.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: Inquiry to visit
To: High Street Cohousing <ucoldunedin@gmail.com>

Hello Anne
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. All sorts going on here that have been down to the last minute! We will arrive in Dunedin on Wednesday evening after we complete the rail trail. We will be there Thurs and Friday, departing Saturday am.
We are at the very early concept stage at this point and also have had several meetings with Earth Song. Not sure if attending your meeting on Thursday evening would be appropriate a distraction to your agenda? Hearing your story would be great though and we could meet at a different time?
Do you have a contact phone / mobile that we could chat to save a lot of emailing?
Kind regards
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: Inquiry to visit
Hi Gary 
We would be happy to share some of our experience in the High Street Cohousing project with you when you are in Dunedin in mid-March.
Because building is underway, we don't have access on to the site, and our office is now off-site. We have a group meeting on Thursday 14 March , 7.30-9.30pm, which you would be very welcome to attend.
We could make a time while you are here to meet with 2 or 3 key people, when we could talk technical details with you. We used and adapted much of the legal documentation that Earthsong created, and would be happy to talk with you about how all of that process worked. Then when we did the big signing of legal documents last year, and particularly the Sale&Purchase documents at the end of the year, we discovered a lot more about the way lawyers read these documents.
If you could let me know if there are particular areas in the development of our project that you are interested in, that could be helpful. Or we can just begin at the beginning and tell you what happened
When you know your Dunedin dates, let me know and we will work out when we can meet up. If at all possible, I would recommend you come to our Thursday evening meeting as well.
Warm regards,
Anne Thomson
On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 9:29 AM High Street Cohousing Project <wordpress@highstreetcohousing.nz> wrote:
Site http://highstreetcohousing.nz
Name Gary Dennis
Email gary@trysoftaproductions.com
Subject Inquiry to visit
Message To whom it Concerns. I got your contact details from Robin Allison at Earth Song in Auckland. We will be visiting Dunedin in Mid March and would like to view your project with an idea for repeating same here in North Shore Auckland. I\'d be grateful if you could contact me so that we could set up a time. Kind regards Gary Dennis 021 253 0577

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