A response below from Rob Cunningham about the proposed eHaus signage. 

(Somehow my draft email got lost in Trash while I was in Melbourne so it was only sent last night)

Is our sign a bit damaged or completely unusable? Is it fit to reinstate as is? Then we could ask them to put it back up while they are mounting theirs


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rob <rob@stevwill.co.nz>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019, 8:48 AM
Subject: Suggested signage
To: High Street Cohousing <ucoldunedin@gmail.com>
Cc: Stefan Box <stefan@reececonsultants.co.nz>, Calvin Beel <calvin@stevwill.co.nz>

Hello Anne

Lovely day out there for building.

We are happy with the wording of the proposed sign and worked with Baden to put it together.

We are the eHaus licenced builders working on this specific project and we were introduced to the project through eHaus.

We intend to attach the existing sign to the scaffold on the High Street elevation.


Rob Cunningham  Reg.QS

Managing Director

Stevenson and Williams Ltd

PO Box 4007

St Kilda Dunedin

Ph: (03) 455 4034





From: High Street Cohousing [mailto:ucoldunedin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, 20 June 2019 10:57 p.m.
To: Rob Cunningham <rob@stevwill.co.nz>
Cc: Stefan Box <stefan@reececonsultants.co.nz>
Subject: Suggested signage


Dear Rob,


At our UCOL meeting on Thursday 6 June we discussed the request to erect an eHaus sign at the High Street Cohousing site.


The wording of the sign generated considerable discussion -

"eHaus is proud to be building the first Passihaus Cohousing project in NZ".


You (Stevenson & Williams) are our builders, not eHaus.


According to our understanding, something like "eHaus are proud to be part of the first Passivhaus Cohsouing project in NZ" would be more accurate.


We would like to know whether Stevenson & Williams agrees with the suggested wording.


We are also aware that the sign we had erected has been blown down and damaged in recent winds, and we would not be happy to see an eHaus sign replacing it. Perhaps eHaus would be willing to reinstate our sign and then could put an eHaus sign alongside it.


Warm regards

Anne Thomson