Thanks, Warren. You’re a champ!


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On 26/03/2021, at 4:51 PM, Warren Hurley <> wrote:

Hi Cohousers,

As per last night’s minute here is our Cohousing Agreement in its initial working stance.


Please each print and bring a copy to the next meeting; find someone from another household to be your witness; and sign the Agreement (page 7) and the Child Protection Policy (page 11).


All the signed Agreements need to be stored somewhere – someone from the Finance & Administration Work Group will perhaps volunteer . . .?

That same person might also be the holder of the editable document in Word format.


Thank you everyone for ALL your contributions along this journey.  And a special thanks to those who emailed their comments on grammar, consistency and ways to find a middle ground.  While I may have been the collator, it truly was a community effort.


To quote Robin Allison:

“Beginnings are important; and staying the distance through all the challenges and obstacles is vital to achieve change.”


See you at the next meeting.

Bring a pen.




<Toiora High Street Cohousing Agreement 25MAR21.pdf>
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