Kia ora Gay,

would you be happy with a copy of the Midweeker for the CH - or do you prefer your own copy?

(we probably don't need 24 copies though).

ngā mihi


"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it". Ralph Waldo Emerson

On Saturday, 10 April 2021, 03:31:09 PM NZST, Gay Buckingham <> wrote:

I value getting the Midweeker.

Gay Buckingham
027 4544012

On 10/04/2021, at 2:40 PM, Maria Callau <> wrote:

The sign should say NO JUNK (no circular includes The Star, etc?). 
Is that what we want?

Maria Callau
021 1847490
Sent from my iPhone

On 10/04/2021, at 12:48 PM, bluefrog <> wrote:

I wondered about having one big one instead. Perhaps we need to talk about this first at the next meeting.


-------- Original message --------
From: Rainer Beneke <>
Date: 10/04/2021 11:40 am (GMT+12:00)
To: Yu Min Lee <>
Cc: UCOL shareholders <>
Subject: Re: [Ucol-shareholders] no junk mail stickers.

get a big one and put it over all of them, unless there is someone interested in junk mail???


Please call me if you need an urgent reply.

Rainer Beneke
+64 21 144 7700

On 10/04/2021, at 11:18 AM, Y Lee <> wrote:

I want to put a No Circulars type sticker on my mailbox. Anyone else want one off I stop my Mitre 10 today?
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