About food possibilities - while it's not so much walking distance, I'd really like sometime to go to Al Sultan on corner of Hanover & Filleul Sts - middle eastern food, run by new migrants.
If not tonight, some other night

On Fri, 4 Sep 2020, 10:02 pm Jan Burch, <jrb5050@gmail.com> wrote:
Just in case you missed the meeting, can't find the email, or have muddled the time, here's a reminder that NumberWorks'nWords is the venue for our Body Corp meeting.

Also available via Zoom Meeting ID: 9016 25 9016   Password 25 25 25


For those who arrive in person there will be tea/instant coffee/milo, cups, teaspoons, paper towels and an abundant supply of biscuits available for our afternoon tea break.  If you are a coffee connoisseur you might want to bring your own.

I will be recruiting people to join me for a meal afterwards. So far I know of two takers; thanks Frances and Sandy!

Possible evening meal venues that offer sit down dining near to NumberWorks'nWords are (in order of distance away from NWnW)
Zucchini Bros for pizza or 
Great Wall for Chinese food or
Anatolia Turkish Cafe

Anne's personal recommendation (seconded by me) has put Zucchini Bros in the lead.

Thanks to Min and all the others who have done so much work on this. 
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