Hi Anthony,

Hopefully I can join you in the grass growing exercise. We have the advantage (well, for the next couple of weeks) of only living two blocks down the road from Toiora, so I'm in a good position to go up & water it etc. 

ngā mihi


"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it". Ralph Waldo Emerson

On Thursday, 11 March 2021, 12:55:54 PM NZDT, Anthony Doesburg <anthony@doesburg.net.nz> wrote:

Hi Claire,

Sorry to hear about your family drama. Whatever you do, don’t worry about the lawn!

I’ll be back in Dunedin on Tuesday and together with Ngaire and whoever else has time and interest in watching grass grow will prepare the ground, obtain seed and fertiliser, and spread it guided by the advice of France’s brother.

All the best,



> On 11 Mar 2021, at 12:03, Claire Loftus <permacultureparadise@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi team this is to let you know that yesterday I got word that my uncle in Palmerston North was in hospital and my auntie home alone with dementia. So I packed my bag leapt into a plane and arrived in the evening. We are going to visit him this afternoon. Already I feel really tired! But things are generally going well. He will be in hospital a few more nights and I will stay on after that for as long as seems appropriate. There's a small possibility that may be several weeks if they move from their retirement village into an apartment so I will be with you for the meeting tonight by zoom on my phone is my computer has chosen this extraordinarily inconvenient moment to kark it.
> All this means I won't be able to coordinate sowing the lawn really sorry but it's extremely difficult to snatch a few moments for organising my life sometimes I go to the toilet to do it and I'm dictating this so apologies if the punctuation is odd.
> Could we have another volunteer to coordinate, as the turf team / grass group is now down to Ngaire alone as Anthony is away for a little while. I've been told by my landscape construction friend that we need to get on and sow the lawn in the next couple of weeks. I would have thought that 'autumn' is a wider timeframe but i suppose winter cold comes swiftly at our latitude.
> whatever the case I doubt that I will be able to do things like ordering and collecting the seed from a distance, let alone the practical work.
> See you tonight
> Claire
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