In January this year, Claire Loftus offered her proofreading and editing skills to get our Draft Body Corporate Rules document into a consistent format.  This month, the document was returned to me with the full glory of "track changes", and lots of Claire's very useful comments.

On the 9th of February, Gay, Warren and Min met to read through all the 'track changes' and comments, and eventually agreed on a copy to be sent out to the rest of the UCOL shareholders. 

The Ucol Body Corporate Rules v.5.5 is attached to this report as a PDF.  Anyone who wants the Word document, email me for a copy.

A few Definitions used in this document:
  1. The Ucol build is a Unit Title Development, and subject to the Unit Titles Act 2010
  2. Owner means the people who's names are on the purchase agreements. 
  3. Occupier means anyone living in one of the units, including children, tenants, etc
  4. A Tenant is someone who rents a home from a landlord and is named on a signed tenancy agreement. Tenants are covered by the Residential Tenancies Act 1986
  5. A Flatmate lives in the rental property, but is not named in the tenancy agreement
  6. A Boarder is someone who lives in the home with the owner.
  7. Flatmates & Boarders are not covered by the Residential Tenancies Act, but they are both still Occupiers.  They have to obey the Rules, but should they have voting rights in the group when they are not required to attend meetings?

Items in the BC Rules that need another Discussion Workshop

  1. Shared Meals (25) - We have had one workshop discussing shared meals.  However, when Gay, Warren & Min went through this document, we could agree on only three things (see 25).  So it may be advisable to have another workshop for open discussion and brainstorming on Shared Meals before we can progress to formulating operating rules.
  2. Procedure to Amend the Rules (29.e).  We need to agree who forms part of the "Group" in the Group Decision Making Process.  Whose colour card vote must be counted as part of the 75% quorum required to amend the Rules?  Definitely the owners and tenants as defined above.  But what about other non-owner, non-tenant occupiers. What about children, flatmates and boarders.  Note that they are all also subject to these Rules.

NEXT WORKSHOP.  The February Body Corp Discussion workshop was originally scheduled for this weekend, but it was cancelled as I was busy and could not host it.  The next Body Corp Workshop should be either on the 21st or 22nd of March.  I am away in April, and prefer not to organize anything for that month, so I strongly recommend we have a the Workshop in March to discuss the above two items, or else postpone discussion until May 2020

