1. Neither of us can remember saying we wanted to be at a meeting regarding the name. in fact we won’t be taking any part in the discussion or decision. We have explained our feelings, realise the majority are not in agreement with us so will step back. So please feel free to discuss and decide without us. Remember we can simply choose to not use the name if we don’t like it the format, there is a street address. And Catherine attributed the comment to ‘roz’, this was incorrect as we both feel the same. Roz writes (emails) but usually there is discussion with michael before I do so.
  2. Re rentals. It was discussed at a meeting about a year ago that there should be a list of rentals available and people interested in renting. A lot of cohousing websites do have this. We are disappointed this has not happened but plan to use a property manager anyway so they can find a tenant. Having someone interested enough in cohousing to have read the website might have been a help but is not too great a problem.

Hope everyone enjoying the weather, the water trucks are doing a brisk trade out here! Regds roz and michael