Hi all

A brief note from the site. S&W confirmed that the site remediation is now complete and with this month claim fully paid for ( total of $234,000). 

There are now about 15 people working on site! They are working in all corners. This morning the concrete blocks for the retaining wall at the north end of the Alva block arrived.  The top floor of unit D1 and D2 is down. And if you haven’t been past the site lately, scaffold is now up all along the High Street block. There are a few sips up at the Alva Street end of the block and they are working on the floor framing of D5 and D6. 
Concrete for the first half of the Alva Street floor is to be poured soon. 

Site visit: Bill the foreman is happy for us to visit any time now. His preferred time is between 12.30 and 1pm any day, as that is their lunch hour. The building site is now a hard hat area, so anyone going on site needs to wear one. Tim has a few, Maria and Juan have 3 and I have one, but that limits the number of people going on site at any one time. More to decide at next Thursday’s meeting. 

Regards Rainer 


Please call me if you need an urgent reply.

Rainer Beneke
+64 21 144 7700