Can we add another item to the agenda?

Common House Door Codes: I suggest we each have our own code to enter the common house.

Background information:

I've been uncomfortable about a single code for a while.  Single (shared) codes are the least secure way to arrange access to the common house.  Since we have to change the code anyway, it would be a good opportunity to go to individual codes.

The electronic locks we use keep a record (log) of each time they are activated (door unlocked,) e.g. time and date and which code or device was used to unlock the door.  This means if there was ever a problem with a break-in, we could review the log and find when the door was accessed and what code was used.

Problems with a single shared code:

The single benefit of individual codes is: if you forget it, you can ask your neighbour what it is.

Advantages of individual codes:

Disadvantage of individual codes:

We can also have a combination of both systems.  E.g. if a group of people still wanted a shared code despite the benefits of individual codes, then that group could have a shared code while the rest have individual codes.  You can also have more than one code per household, e.g. you can have one code for yourself and a separate code for guests.  We could also agree to have a tradesperson/guest code that gets changed every 3 months.

It may be that protection of equipment in the workshop, kitchen, craft and photo gear etc. isn't that important to warrant the security of the common house being any higher?  But in any case, I think since individual codes are easier to remember, we can have better convenience as well as higher security.

Currently the old code is still active.  I heard from Gay, Min, Roz, Anthony, Rainer, Marianne, Anne, Sue T, Catherine, Sara, Kristin that they use the code and would need an updated code, so I won't take the old one off until we've decided this issue and I've been able to issue new codes to people.  Remember there are other alternatives to codes: The phone app (which is pretty inconvenient to use unfortunately), loading a bus card or bank card (I use this method and find it easier than a code, but some find it unreliable or fiddly), and there are some fobs we can give out for your keyring.

Maybe we can decide this tomorrow.


On 24/08/21 8:04 pm, Anna wrote:

Hi all

Here’s the agenda so far. Please send me anything else eg Disaster workshop, project management?  Group updates for discussion are attached.


 Toiora High Street Cohousing meeting agenda (draft)

Thursday 26th August, 7.30pm by Zoom:

(password 252525)

Chair and Notetaker: Sara Ferreira & Anna Maxwell



Items carried from last meeting: 

Sound transmission between units: what was to be expected and how this is going. (Pauline)

Use of site by non-residents of Toiora cohousing community (Claire)


Outreach Group update

Letter of gratitude
Joining in process documents

Communications Group update

Update from meetings (attached)

Brief Gather demo

Open forum 

Next meeting date set.                  Chair/ note taker


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