Hi Claire,

The 19th of February was not an official date.  The only official date is what is in the S&P Agreement, i.e.

"23.1 ... settlement shall take place on the 10th working day after the later of the following events:
(a) the Vendor has given the Purchaser notice that a title search copy as defined in Section
172A of the Land Transfer act is available; and
(b) a Code of Compliance Certificate for the Unit is issued"

Which is a formula, not an actual date.

The latest we heard from Rainer last night is that the builders were aiming for a final inspection on 1 February.

My estimate of a possible settlement date is: 1st Febuary + 20 working days for CoC, plus 10 days, assuming title is issued in time.  Which would be 11th March.

It's possible things may happen earlier or later, 19th February is still possible if things go exceptionally well, so please don't fix any date yet.


On 21/01/21 10:04 pm, permacultureparadise@gmail.com wrote:

Hi all

Could someone please provide – or tell me how and where to find – an official statement about our settlement date being 19 February? I have had this in a text; couldn’t see it in last week’s draft meeting notes (which also had a wrong date at the bottom re the next meeting), and haven’t received final meeting notes from last week. My mortgage broker wants this confirmation of the date.

I’ve followed all the emails about body corp etc. and am freaking out about how long this is all taking. Those of you who have mortgages pending conditional on those docs, are the banks okay about waiting? And how are you getting on Alex and Tim & Pip? The bank most likely to lend to me is Westpac, so I’m hoping that no-one else, or not more than one other household, are with them, otherwise they may not want another.


Warm greetings from Kirikiriroa (Waikato), where I am living the tiny house dream with my daughter and son-in-law, as I’ve been homeless in Dunedin since moving out in the terrible rain on New Year’s Eve and beyond.



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