Agenda for UCOL Meeting Thursday 2 May 2019.

 7.30pm at Centre for Sustainability, seminar room, 563 Castle Street.

Chair: Juan                Notes: Jan


Round of appreciations

PCG report/updates 


BCG report/updates


Update on Lawyers Rainer/Donald/Susan/Alex


Update on Arch & Fence Funding requests Donald


Repayment of Nancy’s Loan: Sandy


Anne's home induction workshop report back Jan


Ann Zabaldo visit Jan


Maori name inquiry: Susan

Mid-level flooring update: Tim


Time for next newsletter: Anne


How far through BodyCorp Rules?: Min


Weekly meetings to work on BodyCorp (or community): Rainer

Chair/Notetaker for next meeting


Movement of “The Book”. Do we need another copy?: Claire



To Do List:
- Unit numbering system: Tim

-  Investigation of aerial/satellite dish options:  Pauline


Open Forum: