Hi All,

Draft meeting notes from Thursday's meeting.

Please send through any comments/corrections.



Date: Thursday 24 October, 2019  

Location: Centre for Sustainability Seminar Room – 563 Castle Street

Chair: Catherine Spencer                                                         Note taker: Tim Ross


Tim, Catherine, Sander, Karen, Susan, Rosemarie, Maurice, Warren, Gay, Alex, Jan, Anne, Sue T, Frances, Sandy, James & Min.



Liz, Anne & Geoff K, Marianne, Rainer, Sara, Pauline, Claire, Miriam, Donald, Juan & Maria.



Happy Birthday to Alex.

Appreciating builders who work in the rain.

Jan thanked those who had been emailing or posting updated photos of the site.

Minutes of record:

·      We ask Tim to request pricing info from S&W to reroute the stormwater pipe to Montpellier Street. We ask the PCG to make a decision on this matter. – All Green.


·      We received the report for Warren and agree not to proceed with the Earthlight proposal for provision of internet services. 2 Blue, 13 Green.


·      We thank Rosemarie for submitting the proposal to the DCC by the 31 Oct and we agree to contribute $5000 to match the probable DCC Heritage fund grant. All Green.


·      We agree to prioritise spending from the historic fence renovation budget to create openings in the fence for the units on High and Alva Street. All Green.


·      We ask the scoping group to develop a case for removing the two fence panels from the southern end of high street so that these panels can be used elsewhere. 13 Green 2 Blues.

Discussion Items: 

1.    PCG Update

Notes from PCG meeting circulated with the agenda for this meeting. Frances recapped for those present. Discussion of new main distribution board location. The proposal is that this is will now be located on the external wall of the workshop. Discussion of angle parking on Alva St. Catherine wondered if we could simply paint lines on the road rather than building a full curb extension. Susan brought up the need for electric vehicle charging on Alva St. Tim has been discussing EV charging with a company to provide this. Rosemarie has approached the DCC regarding the possibility of running angle parking all the way down Alva Street. She has approached Megan and Megan appears to be open to discussing this.

2.    BCG Update

Nothing to report


3.    Legal Liaison Group


Legal Liaison Group Update - Anne has spoken to Simon Milne and his advice was that the group should pay for the drain unless Megan plans to use the drain. Anne will circulate the note from the lawyer. Catherine suggested that we should ask Megan to contribute 50% of the cost of moving the pipe to the easement. Anne said she was uncomfortable asking Megan to pay anything. Warren suggested that if in the future Megan wants to use it we can ask her to contribute then. Gay suggested that we tell her upfront if we will want her to pay to connect.


Minute: We ask Tim to request pricing info from S&W to reroute the stormwater pipe to Montpellier Street. We ask the PCG to make a decision on this matter. – All Green.


4.    Health and Safety


Reminder not to place furniture against the heaters in the meeting space.


5.    Shared Internet Access


Warren’s report recommended that we don’t go with the Earthlight proposal for the provision of a shared LAN and that we all make arrangements our own internet.


Minute: We received the report for Warren and agree not to proceed with the Earthlight proposal for provision of internet services. 2 Blue, 13 Green.


6.    Heritage fence


Rosemarie provided and update on progress in discussions around the heritage fence. There was a meeting of the scoping group this week. The DCC heritage fund are offering $5000 for the restoration of a section of the fence as a scoping exercise. Donald offered to match the DCC’s contribution with $5000 from the UCOL fence fund. Rosemarie suggested that we prioritise creating new gate ways for the units. Discussion of fence design.

Rosemarie agrees to follow up with Zeal Steel re the safety of the 2 fence panels which have been taken of site.


Minute: We thank Rosemarie for submitting the proposal to the DCC by the 31 Oct and we agree to contribute $5000 to match the probable DCC Heritage fund grant. All Green.


Minute: We agree to prioritise spending from the historic fence renovation budget to create openings in the fence for the units on High and Alva Street. All Green.


Minute: We ask the scoping group to develop a case for removing the two fence panels from the southern end of high street so that these panels can be used elsewhere. 13 Green 2 Blues.


7.    Local Area Network

(Alex, Warren). Warren distributed a document this week on this topic. We will wait until the next meeting to discuss this as Warren was not at the meeting.


8.    Body Corp Rules Workshop.


Body Corp workshop happening this Sunday. Min asked that people read the bodycorp rules before coming. This meeting is mainly focused on getting Anna and Anthony up to speed with where the document is at.


There is another workshop planned for Sunday the 21st November.


9.    Open Forum.

·      Christmas potluck at Anne’s place from 6pm on the 21 Nov. Secret Santa planned.

Meeting closed at 9:30pm