Hi all,

From the other end of the spectrum, I think the spontaneous interaction around mail collection as part of the cohousing ethos is served by the mailboxes being housed together. People need to walk across the commons to collect mail. 
I am not in favour of designating one or two persons to clear the box and take to the common house, as it is too easy for things to be mislaid. Also I think everyone has a right to privacy as to whatever mail they are receiving. 
Yes, it might save a few dollars on the cost of the boxes - if allowable - and that we do not know - and yes it might mean less junk mail, but that can be solved with “addressed mail only” stickers. 
I also would like a newspaper slot. I currently share an ODT with a neighbour and expect that to continue or to share with a new on-site neighbour. And I do not do the puzzles… :)

No doubt we will have interesting discussions on Thursday. 

On 22/02/2021, at 6:20 PM, Anne Thomson <e.anne.thomson@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Thanks for the summary, Gay - very helpful.

It strikes me that having only one box would greatly reduce our footprint when it came to advertising and fliers, etc. Encouraging use of the commonhouse to collect mail seems like a good idea.

My only thought about the parcel deposit slot of Option 8 is what happens if it's something fragile? Do we put a large cushion in the bottom to provide a soft landing??

One other note - I expect we will continue to get ODT delivered - because I really like the puzzles! But I will be very happy to share it in the commonhouse after I've done the puzzles.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 2:51 PM Gay Buckingham <gaybuckingham@tuatara.net.nz> wrote:

Gay Buckingham
+64 27 4544012

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