We are go for Kiwi bank mortgages then?

-------- Original message --------
From: High Street Cohousing <ucoldunedin@gmail.com>
Date: 28/01/2021 11:51 am (GMT+12:00)
To: UCOL shareholders <ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz>
Subject: [Ucol-shareholders] Fwd: Toiora High Street Body Corp rules

Brief and to the point....

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Stephen Edge <Stephen.Edge@kiwibank.co.nz>
Date: Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 11:34 AM
Subject: RE: Toiora High Street Body Corp rules
To: High Street Cohousing <ucoldunedin@gmail.com>

Hi Anne – this looks ok to me – cheers, Stephen


From: High Street Cohousing <ucoldunedin@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 27 January 2021 8:32 PM
To: Stephen Edge <Stephen.Edge@kiwibank.co.nz>
Subject: Toiora High Street Body Corp rules


Hi Stephen


This afternoon we went through our revised body corporate rules with our lawyer and have amended our latest draft in light of his advice.


We have removed the schedules which outlined the proposed annual fees and the long term maintenance plan - the lawyer's advice was that these should sit alongside the rules but not be part of the rules, because they will be changing.


I attach the up-dated version of the rules, which we will be taking to our meeting tomorrow night for final approval. If you see anything in this that you think could cause problems for mortgage applications, please let me know.


Many thanks for all you have been doing for us. Soon this will be over!

Kind regards,
