Thanks to Liz for the child minder offer for Sunday.  Interestingly one of Earthsong's early decisions was that cohousing would always pay for and provide a childminder at all their whole group meetings.  This was so that all members of the community could attend.  They felt it was really important that caregivers were not disadvantaged when it came to opportunities to have their voices heard.  

I wonder if we have been a bit remiss in this area?  Is this "unseen bias" one of the reasons that we find it difficult to attract the number of families that we seem to all believe we would like to have in our community?  
It doesn't affect me so I hesitate to bring it up as an agenda item, but I'd be very supportive of anyone who did argue for the need for childcare arrangements at all meetings.  I think the way it works at Earthsong now is that there are teenagers (in the cohousing community) who are paid to "run a creche" during their once-a-month all-morning Saturday full group meetings.

At least we can let these potential Toiora cohousers know that we have a top quality child minder available for them at no charge on Sunday!  Thanks Liz


On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 6:35 PM Liz Mitchell <> wrote:
I could look after children in the tea room if needed.

On Wed, 18 Nov 2020 at 9:42 AM, Anne Thomson <> wrote:
Hi all,

I will not be with you for the induction workshop, though we will come for lunch.

Someone asked about bringing children - usually we welcome them, though the seminar room will be rather full. However we do have the 'tea room' where we could invite children - and bring some activities? I have a large box of duplo. Or could do Lego, though that's not so good if there are smaller children.

Are there a couple of people coming who would be willing to keep an eye on any children - taking turns between 3 or 4 could be good?

I asked those who had 'booked' to confirm that they are coming - currently 10 have (and 2 on Zoom) But I now have 20 households on my reply list, so the seminar room will be cosy.

It's great to see the level of interest - but we will need to be very clear about managing expectations.


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