Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the wonderful squatting experience that Rick and I have had, while getting C4 ready for Ngaire to live in.
The good news is that Ngaire will be moving in this weekend.  I know Gay will be relieved that the lovely herb planter that she dropped off will soon have a much more responsible owner!

Rick and I plan to leave Dunedin on Thursday to continue our  adventures.  I'm putting in the website because I stayed in one rural USA cohousing that offered travellers a place in their guest house in return for work (WWOOF-ing) and helpx is a similar system but doesn't require the host to be an organic workplace.  You never know, with all the jobs that will be required over the next few months, maybe Toiora will want to use helpx too. 

I'll put my apologies in for the next meeting but keep my fingers crossed that I can continue to zoom for future ones.  Ka kite ano