Now this is being discussed again, here’s an exchange — with memories of people who contributed much in early stages.

Start from the bottom. 

The meeting that adopted ‘High Street Cohousing’ came immediately after this. My memory is that there was a mood to reign in people like me who might be liable to dangerous flights of fancy (like Birdsong…) Someone who shall remain nameless (and is no longer involved) turned to me during the meeting and said in tones I’d like to interpret as wonderment, “You’ve got quite an sense of humour haven’t you.” 

Oh dear, one of the great challenges in life, and especially risky in email. 

So in case anyone’s in doubt, IT WAS A JOKE!! And no I still haven’t thought of something sensible, though Kristin’s suggestion of a two-tier name that keeps the descriptive ‘High Street Cohousing’ seems a good one.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Susan and Kristin Jack <>
Subject: Re: [Ucol] Project names
Date: 7 April 2014 at 10:31:26 PM NZST
To: kovido maddick <>, Sarah Jones <>
Cc: UCOL <>
Reply-To: Susan and Kristin Jack <>

Hi all,

I like the simplicity & explicitness of 'High Street Co-housing', but I'd also really like something that honoured our Maori history & heritage.

Perhaps we could have both - something like 'Manaaki High Street Co-housing'. Manaaki means to care for, to welcome, to show hospitality.

"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it". Ralph Waldo Emerson

From: kovido maddick <>
To: Sarah Jones <>
Cc: UCOL <>
Sent: Sunday, 6 April 2014 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Ucol] Project names

Hilltop no good because there is a backpackers called that plus an old peoples home.

I like High Street Co-Housing- it gives a sense of continuity from High Street School, is easy to locate from the name
 and says what we are planning to do

On 6 April 2014 19:49, Sarah Jones <> wrote:
Orange card to “High Street Cohousing”. Simple, unpretentious and informative.

From: Ucol [] On Behalf Of Carolyn Upton
Sent: Saturday, 5 April 2014 3:43 p.m.
To: Rosemarie Smith
Subject: Re: [Ucol] Project names
A bit off-topic, so feel free to ignore but... 
Rosemarie has some awesome options here - had me reaching for my dictionary! Highborough is nice, and I'm tempted by Dogate Homeworks...
Given the ambivalence about the memorial gate, maybe we should look at other, ungated options. I'd prefer to steer clear of the X-song thing.
I keep coming back to High Street Cohousing. It is descriptive and seems like a natural progression from High Street School. It's also pretty dull, but that may not be a bad thing - don't want to seem too twee or earthmothery. 
I guess the naming issue will turn up on the agenda at some point, but it's useful to float a few ideas in the meantime. And have a bit of fun along the way.We could do with a bit more fun. Fungate, maybe. 
Cheers, Carolyn
On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Rosemarie Smith <> wrote:
Following Carolyn’s earlier email  "the sooner we get a community name, the better. I wondered about incorporating "gate" somehow but initial thoughts went awry - Highgate, Watergate, Montpelliergate (could have fun with that…)"
I searched for words ending in gate and came up with: 
Spot the one I like! 
Then again, Maurice and I refer to the project as Highbrow — spelled Highborough of course. 

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